Private schools give disadvantaged pupils sporting opportunities – and they also get them into Oxbridge, says Mark Steed.

The applications and the assessment tests are done. Oxbridge admissions tutors are in the process of conducting interviews and then – potentially – offering places. 

It is probably the most rigorous university admissions process in the UK. And it is also the most scrutinised. The great institutions of Oxford and Cambridge universities are under increasing pressure to broaden access and to open their doors to those from disadvantaged backgrounds. 

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'More children in the UK are discovering the joy of maths'

Hannah Fry: Teach children to fall in love with maths and they can count on it for life

Social media stars are helping British pupils discover the joy of numbers — and work out the world around them. 

Much to my delight, maths is popular now. Cool, even. Everything has exploded. Maths-based YouTube channels such as Numberphile and 3Blue1Brown boast millions of followers.

The mathematical stars of social media, such as James Grime and Matt Parker, entertain legions of fans with glorious videos demonstrating how powerful and playful maths can be.

We live in an age where everybody is talking of data and algorithms. And the Royal Institution has even invited me, a mathematician, to give its Christmas lectures this month.

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