The BSA (Boarding School Association) posted an updated summary addressing the governments advice on Independent and Boarding school closures.
'Secretary of State for Education Gavin Williamson announced this evening that all state and independent schools would shut from this Friday except for vulnerable children and children of key workers.'
A quick summary of advice from Schools’ minister Baroness Berridge:
- Boarding schools with boarders who have not left the school should continue to care for them as normal.
- The government would welcome boarding school support for delivery of services for key worker children/vulnerable children
The Government are yet to advise on the following but will in due course:
- arrangements for schools which care for looked-after children (e.g. under the government’s Boarding School Partnerships scheme)
- financial arrangements for state boarding schools which faced unapproved budget deficits through the loss of boarding fees
- PHE arrangements for self-isolating boarders to avoid any confusion
ISC (Independent Schools Council) has also offered a wealth of information on their website including financial advice and school closures. Read more HERE.
At Education Advisers we are still looking forwards towards September 2020 admissions and hope all of our website visitors and consultancy clients are staying safe and well.