After recent changes in education due to Covid-19, IBO have released a statement summarising how the diploma awards will be calculated for this coming year amongst a number of other FAQs.
In summary, data will be analysed based on 'previous exam sessions, individual school data, subject data' and already submitted work. IBO have stressed that they 'will require schools to submit the coursework for all candidates'. In order to ensure that this result is fair for those who may perform better under exam conditions, IBO are considering predicted grades and have stated that: 'If the relationship between these elements shows that in previous sessions candidates globally tended to achieve higher outcomes on their exams than their coursework, the calculation used this session will reflect that.'
IBO have stated that the release of results will go ahead as it was planned to on the 5th July 2020 but only to those who have submitted coursework before the 20th April.
On their website, IBO also summarises that those sitting May 2020 retakes may defer or withdraw from their assessments and Schools will be able to submit EURs (Enquiry Upon Results) or retakes if unhappy with a students' grades.
The release carries on to explain changes in fees, decisions related to extentions and even subject related specifics. Click HERE to read the rest of the information.