On Friday, Sally Collier, Chief Regulator for Ofqual, released an updated message for all GCSE, AS and A level students of this summer. This breaks down commonly asked questions related to the calculation and release of this year's results for students and parents who will be anxious for more information.
Result Release Dates
Ofqual have explained that results WILL NOT be delayed after the dates that they were expected in August and if anything, they may be issued earlier in order to provide certainty for students.
Privately Educated Students (Home School, Distance Learning etc)
In order to determine results for students who are privately educated, the centre in which you are entering must ensure that 'the head teacher or principal is confident that they and their staff have seen sufficient evidence of your achievement to make an objective judgement'.
Extra Work
Schools are not required to set any work, after the date on which schools closed, to contribute to students' centre assessment grades.
Grading Criteria
Schools will be required to send two pieces of evidence to exam boards summarising what they already know about students capabilities. This could include:
• the grade they believe you were most likely to get if teaching, learning and exams had happened as planned.
• within each subject, the order of students at your school or college, by performance, for each grade. This information will be used to standardise judgements – allowing fine tuning of the standard applied across schools and colleges.
Would you like to read the entire letter from Ofqual? Click HERE.
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