Jigsaw, a company that specialises in creating PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education packages for students, has launched its own free recovery package for schools to utilise in this difficult time. The pack is for Key Stage 1 and 2, children aged 5-11, and includes a welcome back assembly and lesson plans for getting back on course. The recovery package is stated to help children return to school as some may be anxious after the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Recovery package includes lesson plans focusing on:
- Welcome back and establishing the safe environment (including new Covid safety rules and routines)
- Understanding the coronavirus and how to stay safe and well
- Reconnecting with friends
- Belonging and feeling safe at school
- Managing worries and fears
- Being positive and looking forward to learning
- Gratitude and appreciation
- Loss and bereavement
Jan Lever, CEO of Jigsaw PSHE, breaks down the three Rs that they believe will help enable a healthy and positive approach to returning to school. These are Routine, Relevance and Relationships.
Re-establishing old routines and establishing necessary new ones e.g. frequent hand-washing, helps us feel secure and in control.
The lockdown experience and its impact on children needs processing, and a re-focus on the positive and the things we are grateful for supports a return to the school community and learning. So much good and so many good people shone through the lockdown and focusing on this provides a positive angle on the pandemic.
All of the above, however, needs underpinning by quality relationships between the adults and children, children and children, and adults and adults across the school community. We may need to consciously make more effort than normal with this, re-establishing relationships after absence and with so little time before the summer break.
You can download the Recovery pack here for free: https://www.jigsawpshe.com/recovery/
Read more about the thought process behind this package here: https://ie-today.co.uk/sponsored/jigsaw-pshe-launches-free-recovery-package-for-schools/
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