Bath Academy
What is Bath Academy like?
Bath Academy is a small sixth-form college in the centre of the beautiful UNESCO World Heritage city of Bath, a vibrant university town that is considered not only one of the safest in the UK, but also one of the most beautiful - with much to offer students both socially and culturally. Recently named one of the top performing schools in Bath for value-added at A-Level, Bath Academy specialises in personalised tuition in a friendly environment in which each student is known well. The college provides close personal tutoring and in-depth assessment and support to match the individual needs of students, encouraging them to achieve their academic and personal potential.
As the only school in the southwest of England to offer both re-sit courses and university foundation programmes (alongside GCSEs and A Levels), Bath Academy offers unique opportunities to both local and international day or boarding students looking for a school that builds on their individual strengths and is able to provide achievable, alternative academic routes to higher education.
Would Bath Academy be suitable for my child?
Bath Academy is an inclusive college preparing young people for A Levels, GCSEs and an international University Foundation Programme. The key criterion they look for in new students is not stellar grades from their previous school, but whether a young person really, truly, wants to learn. If they do, the college can help transform them from a felt minus to a felt plus. Bath Academy is extremely good at helping young people, often with only modest or average previous grades, make amazing improvements. At the same time, the college helps high fliers get into some of the best universities in the world.
How can I apply to Bath Academy?
Applications in the first instance can be made either via the college website or by contacting the college directly. You can also submit an enquiry to the best-schools team, who will be happy to offer further advice on suitability and help with your application.
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