Bromsgrove School
What is Bromsgrove School like?
A school large on numbers and blessed with an expansive campus, Bromsgrove regularly features in the top 20 co-ed boarding schools for A-levels, and posts extremely impressive IB Diploma results. The facilities are equally impressive, with a pleasing mixture of traditional and brand new buildings. Recent additions include the sports centre, humanities block, art and design building, plus a stunning library. A new concert hall and music school were added in late 2017.
Extra-curricular activities are plentiful, with resources readily available for a very wide range of interests. Whilst maintaining a traditionally British feel, Bromsgrove also welcomes a large number of international boarders, increasing in proportion as you move up through the year groups.
Would Bromsgrove School be suitable for my child?
Whilst every good private school will offer strong pastoral care, a school of Bromsgrove’s size is not for the shy and retiring type. It helps to be dynamic, out-going, and collaborative in this type of environment. It has a strong mix of nationalities amongst its many boarders, so students with a global outlook would do well. Academically, it is reasonably selective, but perhaps not as selective as its excellent academic performance would suggest. It’s not a hothouse, but demands a positive attitude and a willingness from students to push themselves above and beyond their own expectations.
How can I apply to Bromsgrove School?
The standard senior school entry years of ages 13+ and 16+ are the most common points of entry, though you may be lucky enough to find an occasional 14+ space. Bromsgrove also has an attached prep school for younger students, including boarders.
Applicants will be required to sit entry tests and usually an interview. Whilst entry tests are rigorous, a great deal of emphasis is placed on personality and how well a student will fit into the culture of the school.
Early registration is advised, at least one year in advance, and it is always worth contacting us first to discuss suitability.
For information about applying to this school, please submit an enquiry
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