Cardiff Sixth Form College
What is Cardiff Sixth Form College Like?
A modern Sixth Form Boarding College set in the centre of Wales' capital city, Cardiff Sixth Form College has enjoyed something of a meteoric rise to the top of the exam results league tables over the past decade. Now part of the Duke’s Education Group of Schools and Colleges, Cardiff Sixth Form College has consistently excelled in average A-level results, and Oxbridge and med-school applications.
As a Sixth Form College, Cardiff's expertise lies in STEM subjects and, whilst there is a mature and friendly atmosphere, its body of gifted students are pushed incredibly hard to maintain consistently high levels of academic achievement. Needless to say, facilities, teaching, and pastoral support are of the highest calibre, providing students with the platform to achieve their academic aspirations.
Despite not being a traditional boarding school, Cardiff Sixth Form College still provides plenty of extra-curricular activities and clubs, not least to help the large international contingent settle into life in the UK and prepare the strongest possible UCAS applications.
Would Cardiff Sixth Form College be suitable for my child?
Unsurprisingly, there is high competition for places, so applicants should already be academic high-fliers to have a realistic chance of success. Excellence in Maths and science subjects are a prerequisite. Once enrolled in the college, there is no academic let up, so students must be willing and able to handle the demands of such an elite academic institution.
Whilst the majority of students come from international educational backgrounds, fluency in English is still a must, so Cardiff Sixth Form College is not suitable for students requiring intensive English language improvement alongside their academics.
In short, Cardiff 6th Form College is most suitable for those with exceptional academic potential and current achievement, and a work ethic to match.
How can I apply to Cardiff Sixth Form College?
Preparation is the key. With entry at 16+ and above, the college will ideally want to see at least 2 years of exemplary school reports and exam results. Strong performance in entry tests is of great importance.
We visit Cardiff Sixth Form College almost every year to present them with one of our Crystal Awards, and have usually helped a current student or two enrol in the college. Please contact us to discuss your child’s prospects of securing a place, and how we may be able to help.
For information about applying to this school, please submit an enquiry

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