Headington Rye Oxford
What is Headington School like?
Headington School occupies a large and incredibly well-equipped campus on the outskirts of Oxford, a city that offers a huge range of cultural and intellectual opportunities. This is an all-girls day and boarding school, held in very high regard both domestically and internationally. Boarding starts at age 9 onwards, and days girls can complete their entire school life here from age 3 to 18. Most full boarders are international students and girls from Oxford and the surrounding area can choose to be full, weekly or flexi boarders.
Headington is a one of a number of academically selective and high achieving girls’ schools whose results put it consistently near the top of the leagues tables. Facilities for sport, music and drama are excellent and students praise the teaching and pastoral care.
Would Headington School be suitable for my child?
Headington offers an excellent education in a girls' school with great facilities. Girls can pursue their academic and extra-curricular interests in a stimulating and supportive atmosphere.
The school becomes more competitive to get into as you move up through the year groups and into senior school, but great consideration is also given to what a girl will bring to the Headington community.
Headington is a world-renowned girls' school with a strong academic track record, inclusive atmosphere and plenty of opportunities for girls to discover their talents and passions. Parents looking for single-sex education for their daughters should therefore give Headington serious consideration.
How can I apply to Headington School?
The main entry points to Headington School are at 11+ and 13+ with a number of places available for 6th form entry at 16+. Entrance is by competitive examination. If you would like to find out more about Headington and whether it would be suitable for you child, please do get in touch with one of our consultants who would be delighted to discuss this further.
For information about applying to this school, please submit an enquiry
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