Highgate School - London
What is Highgate School like?
Highgate is an excellent and heavily oversubscribed co-educational day school where students achieve outstanding academic results and have access to a huge range of extra-curricular opportunities. Highgate was founded over 450 years ago and now occupies a site in the heart of Highgate Village in North London.
There is a strong emphasis on developing a life-long love of learning, creativity and being actively engaged in the wider community. Students can choose from a wide range of subjects for GCSE and A Level and are encouraged to embrace academic challenge and take risks. Class sizes for GCSE are up to 24 with choices including Computer Science and a range of languages including Latin, Greek and Mandarin.
Highgate has a large and vibrant 6th form with over 350 students and everyone chooses four academic subjects from over 30 available. 6th form classes tend to have 6-12 students. One afternoon each week is dedicated to sport and exercise.
The main sports offered are football, hockey, netball and cricket, but there is a wide range of other sporting activities available including water sports such as rowing and kayaking as well as an outdoor education programme for younger pupils.
Would Highgate suit my child?
Highgate is looking for students who show academic curiosity as well as commitment to co-curricular activities.
How can I apply to Highgate?
Highgate admits around 80 children into Year 7 each year, selected on the basis of performance in the school’s entrance papers in English, Maths and Non-Verbal reasoning in December of Year 6 followed by interviews in January for shortlisted candidates. The other main point of intake is Year 12 and there are around 30 places available for new students at this stage. The selection process is held on Zoom and involves subject interviews plus a general interview.
It is vital not to miss registration deadlines – please contact us for more information
School Information