Mill Hill School
What is Mill Hill School like?
Mill Hill School is at the heart of a Foundation dating back to 1807. The Mill Hill School Foundation comprises of a Pre-Prep, Grimsdell; Preparatory School, Belmont, Mill Hill International; Cobham Hall School, in Kent and the Foundation’s most recent additions Keble Prep and Lyonsdown School in North London.
Mill Hill School educates boys and girls aged 13–18 and offers day, weekly and full boarding places. The School is situated in Mill Hill village, a conservation area on the borders of Hertfordshire and Middlesex, approximately ten miles from the centre of London. Set in 120 acres of parkland originally formed by the famous botanist Peter Collinson, the grounds provide a spacious setting for the academic buildings, boarding and day houses. The School also offers extensive facilities for sports and activities.
Mill Hill School’s educational philosophy is based on offering breadth and balance, complementing the academic with the co-curricular, the technological with the traditional and individuality with a sense of community.
Creative thinking is encouraged, and the academic curriculum is supported by a wide range of trips and work-related opportunities. The Co-Curricular programme is a integral part of Mill Hill School life. With over 400 clubs and activities offered in the last academic year, the School allows pupils to thrive and excel outside the classroom, whilst gaining the much-converted soft skills that employers and universities hold in high regard.
Would Mill Hill be suitable for my child?
Pupils are supported in their personal development and encouraged to make the most of their abilities and interests, both inside and outside the classroom.
Results are above average in both GCSE and A Level and students’ personal development is excellent.
How can I apply to Mill Hill School?
The Admissions process varies depending on the age at which pupils join the School. Entry is available at 13+, 14+ and 16+.
If you would like to find out more about Mill Hill and whether it would be suitable for you child, please do get in touch with one of our consultants who would be delighted to discuss this further.
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