New Hall School - Chelmsford
What is New Hall School like?
New Hall is a large day and boarding school for children aged between 1-19. The school is situated on a 70-acre site near town of Chelmsford in Essex and the estate is a former palace belonging to Henry VIII. New Hall follows the ‘diamond model’ whereby boys and girls are taught together in the prep school and then again in the 6th form, but in Years 7-11 in single-sex classes. New Hall, whilst not a ‘hot house’ promotes high academic standards and 2019 A level results put it in the top quartile of co-ed boarding schools There is a fifty-fifty split between British and overseas students and a good number of boarders. New Hall is a Catholic school but welcomes students of all faiths and none.
Would New Hall School be a good fit for my child?
Class sizes are generally small throughout the school and especially in the 6th form. The 6th form is a tight-knit community and students have their own wing in the Arts block with a dedicated study space and ‘chill out’ zone.
Music, dance and drama are all very strong and the school hosts drama productions all year round in a dedicated arts centre. Sport is also a key feature of the school with fantastic facilities for almost every sport you could imagine.
How can I apply for New Hall School?
The principles relied on in the selection of students for admission are designed to ensure the school will remain a Catholic school, however, New Hall accepts students of any or no faith. Applications for admission will be considered from parents and guardians who are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the school and whose child will benefit from the academic curriculum of the school.
The application process differs for Reception - Year 6, Year 7 (age 11+), Year 9 (age 13+), and Year 12 (age 16+).
For information about applying to this school, please submit an enquiry
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