St Catherine's School, Bramley
What is St. Catherine’s School like?
St Catherine’s is a very successful all girls’ school near Guildford. Despite the formidable results that put the school near the top of the league tables every year, St Catherine’s does not have the feel of an academic hot house. The atmosphere is refreshingly down to earth. Up until the 6th form, most girls are day pupils from the surrounding area, but after 16 about half the students board. The school provides all the facilities you would expect at an exclusive girls’ private school, and lacrosse is particularly strong.
Would St. Catherine’s School be suitable for my daughter?
This is a small, academic girls’ school with a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Perhaps not ideal if you are looking for a full boarding school for a younger child, but for an older girl, who is strong academically and wants to board in a safe environment which is nevertheless not too far from London, this would be a good choice.
How can I apply to St. Catherine’s?
Entry to St Catherine’s is competitive in all year groups, and girls need to pass stiff entrance tests. Please contact us for advice on applying to St. Catherine’s and other selective schools.
For information about applying to this school, please submit an enquiry
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