St Peter's School, York
What is St Peter's School, York like?
St Peter's School can claim to be one of the oldest schools in the world, dating its heritage back to 627AD. It is now set in 47 acres of greenery, all within walking distance of the spectacular York Minster, and the more pragmatic train station. For international students, Manchester airport is just 90 minutes by road, and two hours by rail.
St Peter's regularly appears in the top 20 of our co-ed boarding school league table, so academic rigour is a given. That said, the school is in no doubt as to the importance of a well rounded education. The art gallery is superb and, whilst some parts of the school might feel their age, the school has invested wisely in state of the art science and design and technology buildings.
Any Yorkshire native will be able to tell you the huge number of olympians the county produces, and sport is a big thing at St Peter's school. There is a fantastic new pool, rugby and the other usual sports are available to all, and the school has private river access for the rowers.
For a quality education in academics and character, St Peter's York is worth serious consideration.
Would St Peter's York be suitable for my child?
St Peter's York is fairly selective, but perhaps not as selective as its excellent results suggest. Students need to arrive with ability and work ethic in equal measure. As is the character of the region, honesty and reliability are held in high esteem, and any child with pretentions of grandeur will soon learn the value of humility.
Only around a quarter of students board, but this provides enough numbers to have a good boarding community, and excellent integration between boarders and the local families.
How can I apply for St Peter's School, York?
Enrolment begins at 13+ and there is another entrance point at 16+. 14+ can sometimes be considered, depending on availablity and suitablity. Please to get in touch to discuss timelines and suitability.
For information about applying to this school, please submit an enquiry
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