Whitgift School - Croydon
What is Whitgift School like?
A boys' school which welcomes students aged 10 - 18, Whitgift School is well known as one of Britain’s finest independent day and boarding schools. It offers a friendly, challenging and inclusive environment where 1400 socially diverse, bright boys enjoy boundless opportunities to develop a profound sense of both local and global service. Its academic track record is also exceptional, and over the past few years Whitgift has featured regularly near the top of our academic league table for boys' boarding schools (by A-level results) and has also recorded some outstanding IB Diploma results.
Occupying a huge campus in the middle of south London, the school also provides an on-campus house for just over 100 domestic and international boarders. The main building feels particularly grand, with resident peacocks free to roam the main quadrant. Other parts of the school are particularly modern and, as you might have heard, the sporting facilities are incredible.
The ambience of the school feels very progressive and multiculutural, with teachers and students clearly enjoying mutually friendly and respectful relations on a campus that buzzes with energy. Whitgift School aims to challenge and educate bright and talented young men to become independent learners and thinkers, to achieve beyond what they believed they could, and to leave the school ready to give back to the society in which they will be leaders.
Would Whitgift School be suitable for my son?
Boys at a school of this size need to be ready to throw themselves into the culture of the school and get involved. Whilst Whitgift caters for a very diverse and inclusive range of student interests, quiet boys may well feel overawed by the sheer size and vibrancy of the school.
Though athletic students will clearly have all their dreams met by Whitgift, it is not compulsory to be sporty as the school offers a broad range of over 100 clubs and socieities. Likewise, the school has fostered an academically selective reputation, and requires successful applicants to be capable of achieving a level significantly above the national average.
When asked the question, Whitgift School advised us that "our ideal pupil would be bright, enthusiastic, open minded, thoughtful and grounded."
How can I apply for Whitgift School?
The typical entrance points are at 11+, 13+ and 16+, and the timelines to apply for these are varied. Whitgift is an academically selective school, so the starting point for any parent is to know whether their son stands a good chance of being successful with an application. It is therefore advisable to contact us to discuss further as an initial step. In addition to entrance assessments and references, Whitgift invites applicants for an informal interview in which they can expand upon what contributions they will be able to make to the wider school community. Entrane to a school such as this will always be competitive.

School Information